Mammographic Cassettes & Screens

We source some of the world’s best Mammography Cassettes and screens from Germany.
These cassettes are characterized by tough and lightweight durable engineering plastic, perfect film screen contact due to pneumatic foam, and excellent diagnostic results.
The R Series, including the R 200 and R 300 Mammography Intensifying Screens, contribute to the high definition obtained with the Mammography System.


  • The cassette’s tube side and back have an easily recognizable, user-friendly design, guaranteeing the correct use of the cassette at all times.
  • Image quality of our products is always superb, with even the smallest details clearly visible. In fact, the R Series Screens provide superb image quality with standard dose levels while the R 300 Screens offer the same quality with a reduction of up to 40% in patient dose.
  • The outstanding sharpness of our screens is a result of the latest in manufacturing technology that minimizes scattered light:
  • Light piping technology optimizes the reflective and refractive optics.
  • Higher pigment-to-binder ratio improves resolution
  • Top-coating technology reduces scattered light
  • EBC (Electron Beam Cured) Top-coating enables rapid and intimate film screen contact. It also protects against surface artifacts, thereby increasing the life span of the screen.

How It Works:

Mounted Absorption Foil
An X-ray absorbing foil mounted between the foam and the back of the cassette is an innovation to reduce absorption differences and hence the optical density differences. This foil compensates for the absorption differences between the different screens.
Lightweight & Durable
Combines innovative technology and Macroloni, an extremely tough and light plastic, to manufacture cassettes that are reliable, durable, comfortable, and weight optimized. The Mamoray cassettes are easy to handle, long lasting, and shockproof.
More Diagnostic Information
The cassette design ensures that the edge of the screen and film are in close contact with the thorax. The film draws closer to the thorax on closing the cassette. The distance between the edges of the film and the thorax side of the cassette can thus be limited to less than 2 mm.
Perfect Film Screen Contact

The special design of the cassette’s foam rubber provides greater pressure during the first few seconds after closing the cassette, thus obtaining perfect contact between film and screen. The only cassettes in the market with a pneumatic foam, which makes the extraction of air so fast that you can use the cassette almost immediately after closing it.
Gentle pressure exerted on a spot indicated on the cover is sufficient to ensure perfect, light-proof closing. Accidental opening is impossible.

Equivalence Chart:

Brand Screen Film System Speed
Kiran 3R 200 Kodak Min R 2000


R 300 KAgfa Mamoray HDR-C & HDR-C Plus




Kodak Min-R 2000


Agfa Mamoray HDR-C & HDR-C Plus




Kodak Min-R EV 150 Min-R EV


Min-R EV 190 Min-R EV


Min-R 2000 Min-R 2000


Min-R 2190 Min-R 2000


*Min RL film is used with Min R 2000 & 2190 for super resolution
Agfa Mamoray HD Mamoray HDR-C & HDR-C Plus


Mamoray HDS Mamoray HDR-C & HDR-C Plus


Med Mac Services have been supplying the radiology industry since 1995 with world-class products that have been manufactured locally by us.

Collective experience of 30 years plus in the industry of radiology supplying and servicing, has propelled Med Mac in developing a vast range of equipment and accessories.

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